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"The only constant is 'CHANGE' - make it count!"




Why Become An 'NLP Coach?'

Know how NLP can help you to become a better coach

Simply speaking NLP is a study of human excellence while Coaching is a highly customized approach or process to bringing out the best in people.


Both help people to move towards success rapidly and there are considerable overlaps between the two; but with differing intentions & context.


However, when you have a coach who uses NLP technologies the synergy of the two technologies makes any coaching practice highly potent and effective.


Briefly NLP helps us to understand things like:


  • Helps one to understand how the human mind functions and that essentially mind & body are components of one and same entity

  • Discover the limited mindset that holds us back & make necessary changes

  • Help one to manage one's thoughts, feelings & emotions

  • Understand why some people succeed and why some people fail

  • How to model success – no need to reinvent the wheel and go through hard knocks

  • Understand how to communicate with others around us so they listen & connect with you

  • And many other things connected to human excellence and more...



While ‘Coaching’ (of any kind) assists with the customized & practical application of all above for rapid transformation to success – coaching assists by:


  • Helping to identify one’s goals

  • Looking ‘forward from now on’ and taking only lessons from the past

  • Helping you to devise or find your own solutions

  • Motivating you to take action - persisting & sustaining one’s effort towards success

  • Providing support when things don’t go according to plan or one meets with disappointments

  • Holding one accountable to oneself for taking action – doing what one plans to do & in time

  • Delving into new ideas that are more appropriate to current circumstances & by learning from others

  • Leading a more balanced life that optimizes one’s full potential and more…




Growth is the great separator between those who succeed and those who do not. When I see a person beginning to separate themselves from the pack, it's almost always due to personal growth."

__ John C Maxwell

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